Oct 20, 2022
Having a spouse who doesn’t easily share with you can be challenging. It can feel so personal and make you wonder why they don’t want to talk to you or maybe why they don’t trust you enough to share with you. It might surprise you to know that often their lack of sharing has nothing to do with you!
You’re not...
Oct 13, 2022
Do you ever wonder if great sex and intimacy will still be possible once the kids are grown and out of the house? The answer is YES! But maybe you’re finding yourself in the empty nest and it’s feeling a lot emptier in the bedroom, and you need some hope. The truth is that physical intimacy takes some work, and a...
Oct 6, 2022
Are you in the throws of parenting? Feeling the drain from meeting needs all day, giving baths, sitting in car line, or going back and forth to sports practices and games? These can be some fun, yet equally challenging years, and if you’re not intentional, all that fatigue and running around will zap your sex life! On...